If you are in the search of what language or programming languages that are used in writing iPhone app or iOS or app for iOS devices, or OS X, you are in the right track. I wont be showing you How to Create iOS App, rather, I want to tell you about the programming languages used for iOS Devices.
Apple is well know with it Objective-C programming language for all it native application or software. But recently introduced Swift. OK. Swift is a blocked structured, object oriented, protocol oriented, functional and imperative programing language.
Swift's first stable was released this year (2015), though Swift was around since the June of last year (2014), this makes it the newest programing language.
Objective-C is one among the tough programing language out there. Programing in Swift is relatively easier than Objective-C
With Objective-C not being any way easy to master, I have seen a reason to think of Swift been the successor of Objective-C.
Swift programing language is used in writing OS X, iOS, WatchOS or any software program that comes from Apple inc. and can be applied side-by-side with Objective C.
Apples Integrated Development Environment (IDE) XCode is free and available for it developers. With this mind-blowing apps can be programmed for any iOS Device.
OooK.. Hope this clear things up :)
Apple is well know with it Objective-C programming language for all it native application or software. But recently introduced Swift. OK. Swift is a blocked structured, object oriented, protocol oriented, functional and imperative programing language.
Swift's first stable was released this year (2015), though Swift was around since the June of last year (2014), this makes it the newest programing language.
Objective-C is one among the tough programing language out there. Programing in Swift is relatively easier than Objective-C
With Objective-C not being any way easy to master, I have seen a reason to think of Swift been the successor of Objective-C.
Swift programing language is used in writing OS X, iOS, WatchOS or any software program that comes from Apple inc. and can be applied side-by-side with Objective C.
Apples Integrated Development Environment (IDE) XCode is free and available for it developers. With this mind-blowing apps can be programmed for any iOS Device.
OooK.. Hope this clear things up :)
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