What Is An iOS Device

Perhaps you read a blog post or article somewhere or in a conversation you heard people talking about iOS device. Its not a big deal. sit back, relax while I tell you about it. Don't lough.

In the acronyms iOS. Well I can tell you about OS which stand for Operating System but for the "i" perhaps you just have to drop it in the comment box if you have an idea of what it stands for.

Some big boys, who are part of the mobile industry, produced some kind of phone. But this phone they produced happens to be unique, and one of it kind (more then one decade ago when it was produced) perhaps they wanted to stand out (as unique as their product is), perhaps they wanted to make any blurry line between them and their competitors solid and clear thus a weird name to their product was the best idea, they decided to prefix ' i ' followed by the conventional name so that any normal product name with an abnormal way of pronunciation as a result of " i " is their product.
An iOS device is any device, or mobile devices, whose Operating System (its software platform) is refereed to as iOS. Any mobile (excluding PC) device that is a product of Apple inc. usually comes with iOS pre-installed on them. Though, there have not been history of other OS on any of their devices.


iPad, iPhone, iPod, iWatch and any product name prefixed by " i " is called or known as an "iOS device" and nothing less.
