Visafone Internet Plans and Online Recharge

Hello user, you want to know how to fund your Visafone account from the comfort of your home/office. Relax, while I show you how to do just that.

For Visafone Internet Plans visit ->>  Boundle/Subscription Plan For Modem and Mobile Phones

To fund your device or account online. Visafone receive payment via Quick Teller online payment gateway. All Visafone product are already sampled on All you need to do is visit the site and select any product (data plan) of your choice then click on pay

--> You will need to login to complete the transaction. If you don't already have an account you can create one right away.

--> Type in your Visafone Number and click Next 

--> Review and verify your detail, then click on Pay.

--> You will be redirected to Quick Teller payment gateway where you will select your ATM or credit card type, fill the card information (CVV is the 3 digit behind your card) in the provided space and complete your transaction.

Note: Users discretion is advice

OooK. Hope this clear things up. Hit any of my social button or drop a comment below or do both.
