Starting A Blog

There are lots of bloggers out there, are you not thinking, don't you thing the internet is already flooded with bloggers; all of that does not count what count is what you really want to do with your blog, is it a company blog or just personal, if its not a blog for any established company that means you want to start a blog for yourself. Read on, don't be tired.

What is required to start a blog
1. Good niche
2. Computer (PC)
3. Writing skills

--> What your niche is:- Your niche is actually your market, what you are selling. Your niche should also be what you like doing, at most, and know best. Choice of niche is difficult to make because the kind of niche you choose will determine if your blog will remain mute or shout out loud. For example, if you are a tech guy and you think your niche is in technology, posting about any latest technology should be your business. Before you start burning your energy, my piece of advice is, you check and try to know who are your potential competitors and what do they have, can you compete with them (by posting more better stories, articles then them) and if the answer is yes you are with the right niche but if the reverse is the case there is the possibilities of you wasting your effort because your content will hardly be found among search results.

--> Computer:- So, what do you think you will be writing with? a paper? Getting a computer is paramount. Some people think they can blog with their phone, but no matter how smart your phone is its not going to be fun, you will be working with images, at times, embedding videos. You just need a PC, get one.

--> Writing skills:- If it require that you attend some classes to get some lectures it might not be a bad idea. Don't just do copy and paste, its not a good idea as it attracts some penalties.

I think these are enough to get you started.

What blog to start with  ?

What blogging platform you choose is up to you. You are reading this article on Google Blogger and I have no intention to change or exporting to other platform because this is where I feel comfortable doing my things.

If you want to start a Google Blog... wait a minute. Share this post will need a Google Account, visit to create one.
