Etisalat Online Payment

If you are in search of how to pay for your etisalat services online, at the comfort of your home of office, you are in the right place. Sit back, relax while I carry you along.

eCommerce is becoming the order of the day. You can subscribe or recharge your Etisalat mobile device without stepping an inch. All you need is an internet connected phone or computer and any other things can be worked out easily if you have an "hopeful" ATM card.

Follow this simple guideline as you buy/load credit to your Etisalat mobile account

--> Visit Etisalats official website Etisalat Nigeria and click on Recharge

--> Click on the Pay with Quick Teller

 --> Fill the mini-form. Phone number is the SIM number you want to credit. Amount is the money you want credited to that number.

--> When you click on Next you will be left with two option.

--/--> If you have Quick Teller account, you will need to log in to that account to complete the transaction
--/--> You don't have their account just choose your one of the debit cards, any one that applies to you, then fill-in the card information (CVV2 is the three digit behind your debit card) then pay to complete the transaction.

Your account will be credited as soon as verification is complete.

OooK... Hope this clear thing up. Don't forget to hit any of the social buttons or drop a comment below.
