How To Fix Computer Startup Problem

If you just woke up one day to use your computer and it happens that your computer is not longer booting; it does not load to windows. In this post I will am going to outline some scenarios that might lead to system booting failure and some solution that might help fix the problem.

Some or any of these will lead to computer booting failure

Boot order: your computer booting order also matters. This problem has once put me to a tight corner – it’s now part of my experience. Any normal computer most have it heard drive set to first or second in the booting order, anything short of this might lead to system failure due to inability to locate an operating system.

Advice: Re-arrange your booting order setting the Hard Disk to first or second while CD-Rom is first.

Corrupt Booting File: am talking about file(s) responsible for booting up the computer; if this file is found missing at the booting process forget it, the computer wont load to windows. Some computer do display NTLDR is missing at startup.

What might have caused the missing file?

The main reason/source of this problem is virus; viruses infect files making them inaccessible, some other virus are meant to delete files, to be specific,  the file(s) responsible for loading windows. These files might not be deleted by the virus itself but as a result of virus. Any strong antivirus will act on corrupt files and if the files responsible for booting up the system is corrupt it might stand the chance of being deleted.

Advice: Running system repair will fix this problem.

The above two is based on experience in my day to day computer maintenance
