You Tube Ban In Pakistan: Reasons and Remedy

What about that, You tube was blocked in Pakistan some times ago for some reasons that seems to hurt one of it religion.

A rule in Pakistan that is set for restricting political, blasphemous, and religion content or materials saw it to an end of You Tube which make it one among the thousands of URLs that was blocked in Pakistan. Pakistan has the ability to block. Thousands of URLs are currently blocked in Pakistan, these includes  porn site, bit-torrent trackers, web proxies, and political sites.

Youtube blocked-pakistanIts impossible to completely block a webpage, there is still the possibilities of accessing blocked content using web proxies and there are hundreds of proxies available on the internet which can route request through a third country where no filtering software are much relevant to the public.

According to India Real Time The Inter-Ministerial Committee for the Evaluation of Websites, a body set up in 2006 that includes representatives from intelligence agencies, religious authorities and cabinet ministers, said it will meet to decide if the ban should be lifted.
