Top Secret About Web Adverts Placement

One thing is to sign-up for Ads program another things is to place your Ads where they will be active. The location or positions of your Ads matter a lot as there are places that will bring you a very low performance at the end of the day while you can make a right placement that will generate enough $$ for you.

Recommended Ads Locations

I have tried several ads locations in my blog and I've found out the best location that will increase my earnings, out of my experience I found out that Ads in these positions: header banner, bellow post title, and top of your sidebar (the default blogger ads position) have very good performance.

Header banner: in this location your banner ad looks just like a blog banner, thats the first thing most visitors look upon when they visit a website.

Bellow post title: Ads bellow post title makes it look like it's part of the post and the possibility of visitors clicking on them is high more especially when they are text Ads and if they are, one interesting fact about google ads is that their text ads will blend with any text close to them making them look as if they are part of the text. I think this is the best location to place your google ads. Read How To Add Google Adsense Inside A Blogger Post

Top of your sidebar: In blogger (Google Blog) this is one of the default ads location, this is to tell you that there are better performance when ads are placed in that location.

Text Links
If you really cant do without  text links they may go bellow post title or blog sidebar, an horizontal text link should go bellow or at the top of your menu bar this makes them look as if they are part of the menu bar and will likely generate good clicks.

Don't Place Ads Here

Blog Footer: I rarely recommend ads placement in the page footer cause most of the blog visitors wont scroll down to that extend, no body sees the ads talk more of clicking on them. Ads performance in the blog footer is poor.
