5 Essential Tips Any Blogger Should Not Avoid

If your blog does not have any of these tools you will need to install them because they will make your blog interactive and complete.

#1— Social Sharing Widget: As we all know that today social media is among the order of the day. You can generate massive traffic from social website alone by Auto Blog Post on Facebook And Twitter or by installing social sharing widget to your blog which makes your blog interactive and ready to be shared. There are different form of social widgets:
  1. Horizontal Floating Social Sharing Button: This tool will be just bellow the post title and moves down as the page is scrolled so that it will not be hiding from view and will not disturb your blog reader. just like the one installed in this blog.
  2. Facebook, Twitter, G +1, and Other Floating Sider-Bar Widget For Blogger: This is a vertical floating social sharing tool usually at the left section of your blog (That is the default widget position). It moves together with the page as they are scrolled but most at times people finds it difficult to position the widget as if it's not well positioned, may be hiding or may block some part of your blog post
  3. Social Sharing Tool Under Blog Post: Most blogger template has this social sharing bar usually at the lower part of the blog post though in some templates they are placed just bellow the post title but they are fixed (they don't move together with the page as they are scrolled) for that reason most bloggers prefer the floating ones (like the 1 and 2 above).
#2— Email Subscription Widget: All blogging platform has their ready-made email subscription widget but at times most bloggers prefer the Customized Blogger E-mail Subscription Widget probably because of the design or the additional in functionality as most of the customized one don't only have the email subscription capability but also social sharing tool.

#3— Related Post Widget: If you as a blogger don't have this in your blog, just try and install one right now as it helps in your Bounce Rate. The related post widget makes your blog readers discover another new thing they may need to read or see on your blog, that makes them stay longer and navigate through your blog content. There are two different form of related post widget

  1. List Related Post Widget: Just as the name implies will display any related article in a list form 
  2. Related Post Widget With Thumbnail: This display the image of every related post (posts similar to the current post). This tool makes your blog more organized but your post most have images to display otherwise some of the thumbnail will be without image and that makes any blog disorganized
#4— Advertisement/Google Ads: This is the main reason why some people do blogging, they need the $$, though I don't blame that. It's been discovered that there is a better performance when the ads block is place bellow the post title or at the end of each blog post. Before you place your ads in that position you will need to convert the ads code...Read How To Add Google Adsense Inside A Blogger Post

#5— Facebook Fan Page: It's important to have a Facebook fan page. You can read How to Make Facebook Like Page

If there are some other tips in addition to these whether in link or in text, you can share in the comment box bellow. 


  1. nice forum...anyway thanks for the compliment, you almost was waiting for me to click on publish, that's windy


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