Blogger Dynamic Views Sucks

Blogger dynamic is another sleek looking template provided by blogger. They are sleek looking, nice and cool does not guarantee the best users experience. I have my reasons.

--> Blogger Dynamic Is Complicated: Blogger Dynamic template is nice and appealing only to visitors who understand them. If you really want your publication to be read by different people across the world don't think of using blogger dynamic template because its complicated to those who don't know much about drop-down list.

--> Blogger Dynamic Is Not For Slow Internet Connection: You as a webmaster really care about the load time of your blog and other things that will not disturb your blog visitors It was just of recent that I visited a blog — well informative blog — the content of that blog is worth dropping a comment but guess what I battled to drop a comment in that blog simply because it was Blogger Dynamic (though i wont blame my slow internet connection). Blogger Dynamic is selective, you can tell what will happen if someone is visiting your blog via a slow network connection it may just get stuck at loading page and nothing next.
No matter how cool your template is if it scares your blog visitors it's just bullshit.

--> Blogger Dynamic Does Not Support All Browser: You still don't want to loose your visitors; I once tried to open Blogger Dynamic on a lower version of Mozilla Firefox web browser the page could not load rather they brought a massage that I should Upgrade my browser, what if the visitor do not want to upgrade at that moment, they still have their choice, they may leave and you will loose a visitor.

You might have some nice experience with yours but with these, I think blogger dynamic views sucks, big time.
