Fix iTune Error 1015 For iPhone

Error 1015 occurs when you try to downgrade your firmware version — but is this really a downgrade because mine happened when I was upgrading from firmware iOS 4.1.0 to 4.2.1 from there my iPhone now get stock at connect to iTunes but the fact is that i got a solution, a working solution that will fix that error.

To fix error 1015 of the iTunes You will need to follow the steps you are about to read, make sure you follow all the steps or else you will have to repeat and do it right.
Download your Firmware Version— the one you are upgrading to (not custom firmware please) and also download redsnow_win_0.9.14b1 for Windows and for OS X here
  1. Unzip redsnow_win_0.9.14b1 to your computer desktop— create a folder on the desktop then copy redsnow_win_0.9.14b1 and your downloaded firmware to that folder 
  2. Open redsnow folder and launch the program 
  3. In the redsnow home screen click on Extras in the list of click-able options click on Select IPSW then point it to the downloaded firmware (click OK on the massage box that opens)
  4. Turn  OFF your iPhone, connect it to the computer then put it on DFU mode by pressing down the Sleep/wake and Home button at the same time for 10 seconds (apple logo will appear and disappear at this process) then release only the Sleep/Wake button still holding down the Home button for about 8 seconds.
  5. Now click on Recovery Fix the setup will run itself; don't interrupt please allow it to finish redsnow will prompt you when the setup is completed if you are successful your iDevice will flash up with a dull screen and it will be able to boot normally 
 If you follow the steps above your iPhone will load to it full functionality with your new firmware upgrade/downgrade intact.

If you got this right or you encounter any technical issue drop me a line in the comment box bellow
