Get The Writing Spirit—How to Update Your Blog

If writing is your hubby wow i want to say congratulations and if its not gosh there are some possibility that you have ran out of words on what to blog about or you are out of topics to write on.
Are you thinking of what to write? Wow, just speechless, you are not alone though. There are lot of people facing the same challenges — thinking of what to write or how to pen down an idea.
Your blog will remain as dumb as anything when you don't feed-in what will benefit others, people don't just come online to have fun, perhaps visit their social website or play games and other sort of things, but to benefit from article, get something to read, and even get the solution to their problems from online articles of whose author is you.

I know you have a blog, but i don't think copying other peoples work will solve a problem it will just stir up some problems (actually between your blog and Google bots because that will be giving them a little headache), put down your fingers on that keyboard and start thinking of what to type/write — the best way to start writing is to start from somewhere, you should not expect miracles when you don't even have a topic, something you can write about without the stress of anything, you don't only get a topic of you choice, but also search for more improvement on it.

You may be thinking right now, let me give you a clip of how I do write, whenever I have something to write about or whenever I have an important topic, I don't just sit down and meditate much about it, but come online, log in to my blog account, then click the new post icon, and type one or two line of sentence about what am to write, from there, I will get new idea, new topics related to what am writing about, that is just it.
Here is a simple idea:
If at all you can't figure out anything to write, like I have said before, copying posts from other blog is not a solution, the best you can do in a situation like that is to write out of other people work—this is not copy and paste, like others do not you— but to write out of their ideas. for example if I define what is computer in my blog, you don't copy my own definition of what is a computer, but to read my definition of what is a computer, then write it in your own word; no body will arrest you for doing that.
