Nokia: World Largest Cell Phone Company Lost The Title

Nokia lost it title to Korean rival Samsung, which ends' its 14 years reign of the world largest phone company.
I just like Nokia product because of the quality and her popularity, the software is always available online for download not until BlackBerry and other smart phones become something common, then guess what BB become the most used smart-phone in my environment just for a moment of time, just because of its messenger (BB chat) known as ping, and the most fortune of BB is it affiliation with most telecommunication network which help to spread the cell phone all over. From this observation i know one day Nokia phone will be no where to be found 

Nokia been the World Largest Phone Company have lost the title to it Korean rival Samsung, can you just imagine that. Nokia have this title for almost to 15 years She have been losing ground steadily for years, with shipments down nearly 30% since their peak just after Apple's iPhone first went on sale in 2007. Nokia was the smartphone leader as recently as a year ago, but it has since fallen to a distant third place. And the smartphone category is forecast to be the only part of the cell phone market to grow this year. And today Nokia stands in the third position of the world largest cell phone company in the first quarter of this year. 
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